On January 28th, The Empire Club of Canada hosted a panel discussion on Systemic Racism, Housing and the Realities of Black Canadians. Moderated by our CEO, Ene Underwood, members of the Black North Initiative’s Housing Committee shared their unique perspectives on the importance of enhancing the pathway to ownership for lower-income black households, and how this framework can be applied to additional underrepresented populations.
In the GTA, housing is highly racialized. In Toronto’s lowest-income neighbourhoods, 69% of residents are racialized, while 73% of residents in Toronto’s highest income neighbourhoods are white. The increased attention to systemic racism has revealed to the general public what those in the housing industry have known for years: housing in Toronto and across the GTA is highly racialized.
Historically, homeownership has helped Canadians advance in society and work to overcome barriers such as the income and wealth gap. However, for Black Canadians, the lack of access to the housing market has and continues to actively limit opportunities for the Black community now, and in generations to come. It is time to address this inequity, but doing so demands that we reimagine the future shape of the GTA and seize opportunities to build affordable housing while creating a path to ownership for more black families.