
When you make a gift of securities to Habitat for Humanity GTA, you receive a charitable tax receipt for the full amount of your gift.

Gifts of Securities

When you make a gift of securities to Habitat for Humanity GTA, you receive a charitable tax receipt for the full amount of your gift. While marginal tax rates vary from province to province, on average, your donation will generate a tax credit worth approximately 45% of the value of the gift. That alone makes donating securities a wise financial move as well as a way of helping working, low-income families move into their Habitat homes.

There are other tax advantages as well when you transfer stocks, bonds and other investments to Habitat. Usually, when you sell a security, you must pay tax on 50 percent of the capital gain, but when you transfer the security directly to a charity, without first converting it to cash, there is no taxable amount on the gain. Publicly listed securities include shares, mutual funds, options and futures listed on most stock exchanges in Canada and around the world.

example: benefits of a gift of securities


Consider also leaving securities to Habitat for Humanity GTA in your will. This can lessen the tax burden for your heirs. Your estate will be excluded from paying tax on any capital gains generated by the security. The more securities and other assets you leave to charity, the bigger the tax credit for your estate, and the fewer taxes that will have to be paid. Canada Revenue Agency allows you to donate up to 100 per cent of your estate’s net income to charity.

Consider also leaving securities to Habitat for Humanity GTA in your will. This can lessen the tax burden for your heirs. Your estate will be excluded from paying tax on any capital gains generated by the security. The more securities and other assets you leave to charity, the bigger the tax credit for your estate, and the fewer taxes that will have to be paid. Canada Revenue Agency allows you to donate up to 100 per cent of your estate’s net income to charity.

benefits to you

  • You receive a charitable tax receipt for the full amount of the donation
  • You pay no taxes on the capital gains when you transfer securities to Habitat for Humanity GTA
  • You can make a sizeable donation, often without affecting your day-to-day financial requirements
  • By leaving securities to Habitat for Humanity GTA in your will, you lessen the tax burden on your estate and your heirs.

benefits to the families you help

  • Whether you donate securities during your lifetime, or in your will, your gift starts to work as soon as the securities are sold, immediately helping families to build strength and stability through affordable homeownership.
  • By donating stocks, bonds and other investments, you may be able to make a substantially larger donation than would otherwise be possible, helping Habitat build more homes for more families.

To make a gift of securities:

  1. Determine with your financial advisor which investments will make the most philanthropic and financial impact.
  2. Prior to transferring securities to our account, please download and complete the Gift of Securities form which includes instructions to your broker. Remember to sign and date the form.
    download gift of securities form
  3. Email, fax or mail the completed form to:

Habitat for Humanity Greater Toronto Area
c/o Allison Adams

Development Officer, Major Gifts
155 Bermondsey Road, Toronto, M4A 1X9

E: allison.adams@habitatgta.ca
T: 416-755-7353 ext. 2261
F: 416-916-2333