
Major gifts make an impact today and tomorrow

Major Gifts

Ready to make your gift?

Please contact Rachel Barretto, Senior Development Officer, Major Gifts at rachel.barretto@habitatgta.ca or by phone at 416-755-7353 (ext. 2256).

Our goal is to help more families get into affordable homes year after year.

Since 1988, Habitat for Humanity GTA has been championing affordable housing for families across the GTA because we believe that everyone deserves a safe, decent and affordable place to live.

Despite being the most prosperous city in Canada, more than one in five families in the GTA lives in unsafe, substandard rental housing with little hope of finding a way out – and that number is, unfortunately, growing.

With your leadership and commitment, together we can reverse this trend. By making a major gift of $5,000 or more, you can be at the forefront of building affordable housing in your community and help Habitat families to build a better life for themselves and for future generations.

Your gift means that a family can build strength, stability and self-reliance through an affordable home of their own. We do not give away homes. We provide families a hand up through our affordable homeownership program. We offer families with good credit and the ability to pay an affordable mortgage the chance to own a home they wouldn’t otherwise qualify for, and to build equity that can forever change their lives.

Habitat homeowner families work hand in hand with thousands of local volunteers to build their own homes and the homes of others, mobilizing individuals and organizations, building relationships, cementing the communities in which these families will live. Add to this the fact that a majority of our fundraising and operational costs are covered by proceeds from our ReStores and it’s no wonder our donors easily recognize the “major” impact of each gift they make.

Our donors are committed to our mission and willingly invest in our work – making a lasting impact that is visible in the faces of every new homeowner and every one of their children. Help us reach our goal of building more affordable homes in the GTA, enabling everyone in need of a safe, decent home to make this a reality.

learn more about the Habitat GTA homeowner partnership

According to a study conducted in 2015 by the Boston Consulting Group,Transforming Lives, there is a 4:1 social return on investment (SROI) through support to Habitat for Humanity. Every dollar spent accrues the equivalent of almost $4.00 in social benefits. This means the social return on an “investment” of $5,000 to Habitat for Humanity GTA is the equivalent of $20,000 in impact to the social fabric of your community. Beyond the SROI, families report high levels of well-being and positive change in many aspects of their lives, including a decrease in the dropout rate among their children, and an increase in children going on to post-secondary education.